Sunday, 30 May 2021

Blog Reborn

I'M BACK!  Err... Kinda.  

It's been over a year since I've posted here.  I can practically see the dust-filled cobwebs and hear the crickets chirping in the distance.  I was wearing myself out trying to keep this blog current while maintaining three other blogs. Something had to go, so I dropped the, arguably, most frivolous content, SciFi & Comics. 

After fifteen months away, I feel like I have lots to  say about the fun stuff.  Thus, I've decided to drop by when I have something to say.  I won't be posting on a regular schedule or listing this blog in my Blogogram Newsletter.  If enough people show an interest I'll look at doing a separate newsletter.  Until then, I'll simply announce updates on  Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, & my Facebook Group, The Nerd Herd.
Now lets talk comics.  I should begin by explaining that I'm six months behind on DC's comic books, on purpose.  No, I'm not crazy.  When DC announced they were going to revamp their pay site into DCUNIVERSE they made their comic books available for free to monthly subscribers six months after their publication dates.  So, for $75 a year (or $7.99 a month) I can read my DC titles and have more money for comics from Marvel, IDW, etc... on Comixology as long as I don't mind not being completely current.  

Right now, I'm enjoying Marvel's Heroes Reborn.  Without giving away any spoilers, something has happened to time to prevent The Avengers from ever having assembled. Only a few characters know that time is broken. 

I love "time is wrong" stories!  Love 'em.  When I was in high school, I'd looked forward to Quantum Leap every Thursday night to see Dr. Sam Becket  leap through time to, "put right what once went wrong."  I was also a Whovian (Doctor Who fan) long before it was an "in thing" here in the states. 

Yes, I know, comic books and movies use time travel like McDonald's uses ketchup.  Granted.  It can be over used and often leaves plot holes you could fly a 747 through.  I still can't wrap my head around John Connor sending his own father back in time to impregnate his mother.  I keep wondering who sent Reese back the first time so John could exist to send Reese back the second time.  It, literally, gives me a headache. 

Nevertheless, Heroes Reborn, not to be confused with the Rob Liefeld mess in 1996, is a time travel epic akin to DC's Flash Point.  The story consists of eight main issues and ten tie-ins which serve as close-ups showing how different parts of the Marvel Universe have been altered. 

One can follow the story just by reading the eight primary core issues, but I'm probably going to end up reading most of the supplementary one-shots just because they’re fun reads. I don't care about a non-powered Peter Parker, but I'm looking forward to Magneto & The Mutant Force, American Knights, and Weapon X & Final Flight.  I'll probably pick up a few others as well.  (see the full list below 👇)

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